Saturday 14 July 2012

My Pilgrim's Progress: Kiyomizu-dera

Today I went on the Kyoto city bus network and found my way to the Buddhist Temple of Kiyomizu-dera, a spiritual Home for pilgrims of all religious persuasions, for over 1,000 years. 
The local city bus: cheap and efficient
Kiyomizu means ‘pure water’ and I joined the long line of pilgrims in the steep climb to the mountain-top place of prayer, drinking from the sacred spring, and making an offering to the deity, Kannon, the eleven-headed goddess of mercy and benevolence.

Kannon embodies compassion and is one of the most widely
worshipped divinities in Japan.

Drinking from the sacred spring waters

The panoramic views of Kyoto are also famous, and many make the arduous journey to see the cherry blossom in Spring and maple leaves in Autumn – Methinks that one day I will return to feast upon these visions of beauty too – if not in this life, then maybe the next!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Julia
    You have visited a place that I’m longing to visit. This is because I have great interest in the Buddhist religion and there spiritual ideology. Enlightenment has a great part in mine and my sister’s life as we spend various occasions reading through spiritual books.
    Spending time with my sister and having discussions on this has lead me to research further into the ‘sacred spring water’ which is very important as it symbolises calmness, clarity and purity of our body, speech and mind. It allows us to cleanse ourselves of our spiritual defilement of attachment. I think you are so privileged to be travelling to places such as this and be able to drink from the sacred spring water and be able to cleanse your body and become a new person.
